La’Twanna Taylor is a successful young businesswoman and entrepreneur from Central Texas. When she’s not writing, spending time with her friends and family, or out being a “foodie”, she can be found serving at her local church, where she is a licensed minister.
Ministry is particularly important to LT—as she’s affectionately known—and it is her love of ministry and people that ultimately propelled her to publish her story. Her debut book, Pearls from Mama, tells how La’Twanna overcame a difficult season in her life through faith and trust in the promises of God. Her mother Tammy was very instrumental in her life, and the lives of so many others. In their all too short time together, Mama Tammy instilled Godly wisdom in La’Twanna through her “pearls” as La’Twanna refers to them.
Writing has always been therapeutic for LT, but it wasn’t until recently that she decided it was time to share her life experiences and turn her pain into a healing tool for herself and others. La’Twanna hopes that every thought, feeling, and emotion translates well in her work. And, to the reader… for every tear, every uncertainty, and especially every hopeful moment… She wishes you healing, restoration, and perfect peace. In addition to being an author, she runs two successful businesses, SouthernBellesSA- a fun and affordable accessory one stop shop and SheTravelsT00 travel service in which she plans beautiful experiences all over the world for her clients.